- What to break through?The limitation of the labor that overcomes Marx namely and labor value doctrine and " academic scotoma " . 突破什么 ?就是克服马克思的劳动和劳动价值学说的局限性与“理论盲点”。
- Demonstrators tried to break through the police cordon. 示威群众企图突破警察的封锁线。
- Scientists say they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer. 科学家们说,他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破。
- The enemy attempted to break through our lines. 敌人企图冲破我们的防线。
- The enemy is trying to break through. 敌人企图突围。
- Let us go all out to break through English! 让我们全力以赴攻克英语!
- He had finally managed to break through her reserve. 他终于设法消除了她的拘谨。
- White made all the preparatory moves. It is time to break through! 白棋做好了一切准备,是进攻的时候了。
- We attempted to break through the lines of the enemy. 我们企图突破敌人的封锁线。
- We hope to break through soon in the fight against cancer. 我们希望在与癌症斗争中很快有所突破。
- They found it difficult to break through and escape. 他们发现难于突围成功。
- They hope to break through soon in their fight against the disease. 他们希望和这个疾病的斗争不久取得突破。
- We had to break through the solid wall to reach the prisoners. 我们只好通过这堵坚实的墙才能到达囚犯所在的地方。
- It was difficult at first to break through her quiet manner. 起初很难克服她那内向的性格。
- June decides to break through all the difficulties in English. 珍妮决定克服英语中的所有困难。
- I don't know what to make of his behaviour. 我不知道怎么理解他的行为。
- I don't quite know what to make of her remarks. 我不太知道如何来理解她的话。
- It remained for Mr Parkhill to break through the impasse. 只有等待帕克希尔先生来打破僵局了。
- I haven't decided what to do; I'm mulling it over. 我还没有决定怎么办,我正在仔细考虑。
- But today, all they did was to break through the cordon! 然而今天,只是冲过!